Thursday, July 7, 2016


After a long and grueling day of regular work in a small forgotten town, I'm able to come home, slip into a newly received Rfyre outfit and shades, and go hit the Destination Guide.
DESTINATION GUIDE??  Yes, I'm a nerd that actually uses these great resources that are provided at my fingertips! I, of course, invited Thorne Miklos along in my endeavours!

Our first destination: The Museum of Natural History

I chose to go here because of 2 things: DINOSAURS AND BRYN OH! Currently, Bryn Oh has a statue exhibit on the upper floor.  Thorne and I were so enraptured by the 3-D atmosphere to give us a feel that we actually were walking into the original museum. Upon arrival there is a little monkey dude greeting and from there on out, more surprises await the go-see-er. The models are built with great texture, color, and detail. Some have interactive boards to make them roar, bite, and open and shut their eyes.  With tails wagging on some, the dinosaur displays are dynamic and catch ones attention quickly!  And, the best part...they are sit-able.  My stock question, if anyone knows me well, "Can I sit on it?"  Well, happy to report: YES YOU CAN!  The build is easy to explore and navigate.  It uses the traditional hallways of glassed-in exhibits one would find in real life.  Bryn Oh's exhibit is an eye-opener, so make sure the particle emitter feature is turned on! My most favorite was the dragonfly. I will have to go back and purchase some of these sculptures!  Destination Dinosaur was a great hit. Throne and I loved it!  

Proceeding onward, our adventuring seeking souls set out to see the Abyss!  At the Abyss Observatory a see through tube plunges down into the depths of the ocean to display all the beautiful sea creatures of the water.  This vast observatory is connected by tubes and elevator rides that lead to each section and allow visitors to walk under water to view all the sights.  It also has a dedicated section that displays the historical progression of subversive vehicles used to explore and collect underwater samples.  In addition to all of the intricate beauty, there are special little surprises along the way! Not to spoil all the fun, but visitors should watch out for that touchy-feely squid!  This exhibit is so packed with stations and information that Thorn and I plan to re-visit just to make sure we didn't miss anything the first time!  The sim is easy to navigate and the ocean comes to life with all the creatures swimming and interacting with each other.  This observatory is makes the top of my list in exploration and real-life history and information! Here are some great pics collected:

This has been Sloane Cerise bloggin' around the grid
~My Wayfaring Ways

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